Major Donation to the Center
This week, we’ve received some major donations for the Center and are truly grateful to all who thought about me on a personal level with their Christmas gifts during this holiday season.
Bishop has made a wonderful transition since we (my wife and I) moved here in 2019. It was her mission to see Bishop become a united city instead of the west side and east side…we are Bishop. Everyone has embraced our motto, “WE ARE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER” and because of that it will make for a wonderful conversation when I see her at the time of the reunion.
As we have entered our 4th year of serving the citizens of Bishop we will continue to pour into the community as it becomes necessary to help others find a piece of hope (no matter how small) for their futures.
All the donations that come into the Center are used in Bishop (unless it’s electric and internet bills) for the purpose of supporting the other businesses that we have.
All those who have done work (as contractors) for the Center we truly appreciate your professionalism and attention to detail.
As we look forward to closing out 2024 I would like to remind everyone that we are a 501(c)(3) charitable tax exempt organization so if you need tax deductions please think about us when you decide to make monetary donations.
The first 3-5 years are very important to helping to keep any business moving forward and with your generosity we are still helping those who need our help to move forward. We thank you all for that.
We would like to share our thanks to those who live in the surrounding communities for their help in keeping us focused on our mission of helping others. You are all appreciated.
May God continue to bless you all and your families and thank you again for your support of those in need at the time when the need arises so that together we have ALL become “OUR BROTHERS KEEPER.”